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The veGetarian ButCher
The veGetarian ButCher
The veGetarian ButCher
The veGetarian ButCher
The veGetarian ButCher
The veGetarian ButCher
The veGetarian ButCher
The veGetarian ButCher
The veGetarian ButCher

face the elephant in the room

Can we face the elephant in the room?

It’s time for #ClimeatAction. Let’s face the elephant in the room. Literally.

the veg butcher has decided to do something about it

The Vegetarian Butcher
Social Campaign

Can we face the elephant in the room?

COP26 is said to be “our last hope” to limit global warming to 1.5°C. So much is at stake at the climate conference in Glasgow. Knowing that animal meat is responsible for almost 60% of greenhouse gases from food, meat consumption is an agenda item that can no longer be ignored. The impact is so great that you can’t ignore it. Yet meat consumption is nowhere on the agenda of the climate summit. That’s right: it’s the elephant in the room. It’s time for #ClimeatAction. Let’s face the elephant in the room. Literally.


Our Approach

During COP26, De Vegetarian Butcher launched the Face the Elephant in the Room campaign to call attention to the overlooked impact of meat consumption on climate change. The campaign urged world leaders to address the "elephant in the room" by incorporating meat reduction into climate action plans.

face the elephant in the room
butcher for the future


Our Process

We developed a multi-channel campaign, using an AR filter on Instagram that allowed users to place a virtual elephant in their space, tagging the UN and using the hashtag #ClimeatAction. The message was further amplified through social media, print ads, and public displays near COP26, including a mural by artist SMUG and digital billboards.

the steaks are high
but where is animal meat consumption on the summit's agenda?
the vegetarian butcher has decided to do something about it
using augmented reality, we're asking global leaders
so get involved. take cli-meat action


The Results

The campaign combined social media activations, influencer marketing, and traditional print ads. Letters were sent to ministries, and a massive elephant puppet marched during the climate protest in Amsterdam as a physical reminder of the issue.

The campaign generated significant visibility, driving the conversation around meat consumption and climate change at COP26, and resonated with both activists and global leaders.